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My Vegan Dating is the new vegan dating site for vegan singles wanting to meet like minded individuals for love, friendship, fun, and relationships.

As a vegan, finding people who understand and share your outlook on life can be difficult. Simple things like going for a meal, or the clothes you wear can be difficult choices, when you are vegan.

Having someone who shares your views on factory farming or the ethical sourcing of clothing materials means you don’t have to explain and justify your most deeply held feelings to your significant other. If you’ve tried conventional, generic dating sites, and keep feeling you’d rather focus on a fellow vegan single, then this could be the place for you -a dating site for vegans could be the solution!

We’re LBGT friendly, with people of all orientations and genders on the site. And our reach is worldwide, so you can find vegan dating in the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and a host of other locations.

So sign up today, and you can start searching for vegan singles, with My Vegan Dating.